If you have a hard time sticking to new habits…
Start pairing them with habits you already have and enjoy.
This is called “habit stacking”, and it can look like:
- Pairing your morning walk with a cup of coffee
- Foam rolling while you catch up on your favorite show
- Listening to a podcast while you prep your food for the week
This makes it SO much easier to build and keep these new habits…
And you can apply it to just about anything!
Still, I know it’s easier said than done…
So it’s okay to start small.
For example, if you know you want to add a few mobility exercises to your daily routine, start with just 2-3 exercises and carve out 5 minutes beforehand to get them done.
Once that feels easy, bump up the number of days until it becomes a daily habit.
It’s better to go slow and make it sustainable!
That way, not only are you more mentally prepared to build these habits instead of forcing them…
You’re more likely to keep them in the long run ;)
Committed to your success,
Lily and Nela Team